Warm Up -
Remember, before we do any exercise we must begin with a warm up.
So, check out our warm up :-
And Now -
We can get on with our workout today:-
This is REVIEW week - Go through every element ONCE to be sure you know it and do check out positions in a mirror.
The 1st element will be pike folds.
S1.1.1. Sitting Up Straight, Arms up straight by ears.
Pike fold with toes pointed.
Keep arms and legs tight, toes pointed,
Reach and touch 5 - 10 times.
S1.1.2. Sitting Up Straight, Arms up straight by ears.
Pike fold with toes flat (turned up).
Keep arms and legs tight, toes turned up all the way,
Reach and touch 5 - 10 times.
S1.1.3. Sitting Up Straight, Arms up straight by ears, Feet up on the sofa (or similar).
Pike fold with toes pointed.
Keep arms and legs tight, toes pointed,
Reach and touch 5 - 10 times.
S1.1.4. Sitting Up Straight, Arms up straight by ears, Feet up on the sofa (or similar).
Pike fold with toes flat (turned up).
Keep arms and legs tight, toes turned up all the way,
Reach and touch 5 - 10 times.
S1.1.5. Sitting Up Straight, Arms in T position, Feet up on the sofa (or similar).
Pike fold with toes pointed.
Keep arms in T and legs tight, toes turned up all the way,
Reach and touch 5 - 10 times.
The 2nd element is learning a correct dish shape.
S1.2.1. Hold Dish shape
Learn shape - Legs tight, toes pointed, arms tightly on thighs, looking down along body.
S1.2.2. From tuck position slowly open out to dish shape.
Open to Legs tight, toes pointed, arms tightly on thighs, looking down along body.
S1.2.3. From tuck position quickly open out to dish shape.
Open to Legs tight, toes pointed, arms tightly on thighs, looking down along body.
S1.2.4. From standing on 2 legs, lift 1 leg to a tight tuck then quickly open to stand in dish shape.
Keep a tight body and open to a strong dish position.
S1.2.5. From a squatting position, stand up to a tight dish position.
Keep a tight body and open to a strong dish position.
The 3rd element is reviewing correct jumping.
S1.3.1. Begin standing straight, arms in grab looking up.
Feet together, arms tight by ears, hands in correct grab position .
S1.3.2. Begin standing straight, arms in grab looking up, then lifting up to toes.
Feet together up on toes, arms tight by ears, hands in correct grab position, looking at hands.
S1.3.3. Begin standing straight, arms in grab looking up
Bend knees then lift up to toes.
Keep arms tight by ears, head up and keep body tight.
S1.3.4. Begin standing straight, arms in grab looking up,
then bend knees and jump up straight.
Keep body in tight position, keep arms tight by ears.
S1.3.5. Begin standing straight, arms in grab looking up,
Go up on toes then bend knees and jump.
Keep body in tight position, keep arms tight by ears and looking up.
The 4th element is learning a correct armswing, standing on a book or similar height
preparing for a back jump.
S1.4.1. STANDING ON A BOOK - Standing Straight Arms in T position
Learn shape - Stand up straight. Legs together, arms in T shape - hold position and check in the mirror.
S1.4.2. STANDING ON A BOOK - Stand straight arms in T position;
Lift arms straight to top up on toes.
Keep arms tightly in position, head up, back straight and just lift arms straight up and to toes and down again.
S1.4.3. STANDING ON A BOOK - Starting in T position, slowly go into each position for armswing.
Keep body in strong position, bend knees and swing arms round till up tight by the ears.
S1.4.4. STANDING ON A BOOK - Stand straight arms in T position;
Do full armswing to stretch on toes.
Hold arms tightly by ears and straighten legs.
S1.4.5. STANDING ON A BOOK - Stand straight arms in T position;
Do full armswing to stretch jump.
The 5th element is pressups.
S1.5.1. Press up position
holding the body very tight.
S1.5.2. Pressups x 5 keeping the body position very tight.
S1.5.3. Press up position with feet up on sofa or 3rd stair
holding the body very tight.
Hold position for 20 seconds.
S1.5.4. Pressups x 5 with feet up on sofa or 3rd stair
keeping the body position very tight.
S1.5.5. Press up position walking feet up to high position on wall
holding the body very tight.
Hold position for 20 seconds.
but do contact support@fitrkids.co.uk if you have any problems.