Warm Up -
Remember, before we do any exercise we must begin with a warm up.
So, check out our warm up :-
And Now -
We can get on with our workout today:-
This is REVIEW week - Go through every element ONCE to be sure you know it and do check out positions in a mirror.
The 1st element will be Roll Backs to Stand.
Roll back & up to crouch.
Keep legs tucked in, holding shins in tuck.
Repeat 3 times
Roll up to crouch & stand.
Keep legs tucked in, holding shins in tuck.
Repeat 3 times
Roll in tuck- stand up & jump.
Keep arms tight and reach for ceiling.
Repeat 3 - 5 times.
Roll to shoulders - straight jump.
Keep legs tight and together, push feet to ceiling.
Repeat 3 times.
Roll to shoulders - jump 1/2 turn.
Keep legs tight and together, push feet to ceiling.
Arms by ears in 1/2 turn. Repeat 3 times.
The 2nd element is Pike ups.
Pike ups Arms By Ears
Shoulders and legs have to lift at the same time
hands reach forward or up to toes.
Pike ups Arms By Ears 3 in a row.
Make sure legs and arms are tight.
Pike ups Arms By Ears, touching toes,
3 in a row.
Arms start to lift at same time as shoulders and legs.
Pike ups Arms By Ears, touching toes,
3 X 3.
Don't allow legs to 'bash' the floor.
Pike ups Arms By Ears, touching toes,
3 X 5
Return to same tight start position each time.
The 3rd element 2ft jumps sideways over a width of A4 paper.
The piece of paper is the guide for how far to jump
place it as shown in the video.
Jump 2 ft together sideways across paper
slowly control and jump back.
Arms neat by sides straighten legs through to toes
bend knees to control landing.
Jump 2 ft together sideways across paper
slowly control and jump back... X 2.
Arms neat by sides straighten legs through to toes
don't jump back until balance controlled.
Jump sideways side to side rebounding back
- (quicker movement).
Arms neat by sides straighten legs through to toes
rebound retaining control and balance.
Jump sideways side to side rebounding back
- (quicker movement) X 2.
Arms neat by sides straighten legs through to toes
rebound retaining control and balance.
Jumping Side to side - slow slow quick quick slow.
Keeping body tight and controlled the whole time.
The 4th element is work on armswing posture.
Freestanding - lift arms then 1 knee, foot to other knee.
Keep head up, back straight, lift arms and knee then up on toes
keeping support leg tight.
Freestanding - lift arms then 1 knee, foot to other knee.
Hold for 3 on each leg.
Keep head up, back straight lift arms and knee then up on toes
keeping support leg tight and foot close to knee.
Freestanding-lift arms then 1 knee, foot to other knee
2 x 3 secs on each leg.
Keep head up, back straight lift arms and knee then up on toes
keeping support leg tight and foot close to knee.
Freestanding-lift arms then 1 knee, foot to other knee up on toes
on each leg.
Keep body in strong position, straight arms and standing leg straight.
Freestanding-lift arms then 1 knee, up to toes
3 seconds on each leg .
The 5th element is to help improve Co-ordination. 1 leg stand swinging
Swing leg to and fro
then repeat on other side X 3.
keep arms tight out to side and legs tight.
Swing leg crossways
then repeat on other side X 3.
keep arms tight out to side and legs tight.
Swing leg fwd back and cross under
then back, fwd, cross in front, then repeat on other leg X 3.
keep arms tight out to side and legs tight.
Swing leg circles clockwise,
then repeat on other leg X 3.
keep arms tight out to side and legs tight.
Swing leg circles anti-clockwise,
then repeat on other leg X 3.
keep arms tight out to side and legs tight.
but do contact support@fitrkids.co.uk if you have any problems.