Fit'r kids Diving T1

Fit'r kids Diving TID1 W6

Warm Up -
Remember, before we do any exercise we must begin with a warm up.
So, check out our warm up :-

Click here to go to Warm Up page

And Now -
We can get on with our workout today:-

T1. Armswings

These 4 Armswing exercises should be practiced every time every week.

T1.a --- Stand in front of a mirror, arms in T - stretched fingers, making sure T shape is perfect

Fit'r kids Diving T1 W1


T1.b --- Stand in front of a mirror, circle arms all the way around back to the top


T1.c --- Armswing drill - 1, 2, bend, 3 and 4


T1.d --- Hands on hips - go slowly to top of tip toes and back down, then fast back up to tip toes and hold

and watching the feet even closer ......

Practice each element 3 times carefully and slowly and do check out positions in a mirror.

T1.1. Tucks

T1.1.1. Tuck shape

Fit'r kids Diving T1 W1

Hands grabbing shins, elbows in chin over knee, bum by heel of foot & squeeze.

T1.1.2. Squat Down

Fit'r kids Diving T1 W6

Legs and feet together. Keep arms and body tight as squatting down.


T1.1.3. Squat Down, Chin in, Round Back

Fit'r kids Diving T1 W6

Legs and feet together. Tuck chin into knees, round back.


1.1.4. Squat Down, Chin in, Round Back, High on Toes

Fit'r kids Diving T1 W6

Legs and feet together. Tuck chin into knees, round back and lift up high on toes.


1.1.5. Squat Down, Chin in, Round Back, Grab Shins

Fit'r kids Diving T1 W6

Legs and feet together. Tuck chin into knees, round back.


T1.2. Pikes

T1.2.1. Sitting Pike Fold

Fitrkids DiveT1 W1

Sit upright, arms up, reach over to fold. Legs tight together. Toes pointed.


T1.2.2. Sitting Pike Fold with Toes Turned Up

Fitrkids DiveT1 W1

Sit upright, arms up, Toes turned up, reach over to fold. Legs tight together.


T1.2.3. Sitting Pike Fold, Heels up on Bench, toes pointed.

Fitrkids DiveT1 W1

Sit with heels up on Bench. Arms up, reach over to fold. Legs tight together. Toes pointed.


T1.2.4. Sitting Pike Fold, Heels up on Bench, toes turned up.

Fitrkids DiveT1 W1

Sit with heels up on Bench. Arms up, reach over to fold. Legs tight together. Toes turned up.


T1.2.5. Arms in T, Heels up on Bench, pike fold with toes pointed.

Fitrkids DiveT1 W1

Sit with heels up on Bench. Arms up, reach over to fold. Legs tight together. Toes pointed.


T1.3. Handstands/Headstands

T1.3.1. 5 x Long Bunny Hops - reach forward with hands.

Reach forward making sure weight is on hands, allow legs to stretch before squatting in.


T1.3.2. Bunny hops on the spot - hands just in front x 5.

Knees and feet together, arms can be soft but weight on arms,
controlled and not too high.


T1.3.3. Bunny hops on the spot - straight arms x 5.

Knees and feet together, arms straight and weight on arms,
controlled and not too high.


T1.3.4. Frog hold arms can be bent x 5.

Moving slowly into position, shoulders over hands. Toes pointed.


T1.3.5. Frog hold arms straight x 5.

Moving slowly into position, keeping arms straight, shoulders over hands. Toes pointed


T1.4. Jumping

T1.4.1. Bouncing on the spot, feet tight, just using your toes.... x 10.

Really working toes to bounce only allow knees to bend slightly - x 10


T1.4.2. Step hop, knee lift , use toes.

Ensure bottom leg straightens, pushing off toes,
knee lift to 90 degrees and point toes x 10
You can do just 2 at a time in a space.


T1.4.3. Jump 2 feet to 1, feet lift behind.

Working hard at good jumps and pointing toes of lifted foot x 10


T1.4.4. Hop from side to side , leg to side.

Pushing from one leg to the other, lifted leg should be straight x 10


T1.4.5. Jump 2 feet to 1, foot lift to front, touch with other hand.

Lifting knee high, keeping body upright x 10



T1.5. Splits!

Always make sure you stretch out first as in these 2 videos

Making sure you stretch and do splits on both legs as well as box/front ways.

For week 6 you should by now be up to 20 seconds each of the 3 way splits, times 2.

Fitrkids DiveT1 W6
Fitrkids DiveT1 W6


Thats it for this lesson - keep practicing
but do contact if you have any problems.




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